We discuss the history of MPI and its alternatives, in light of recent hardware and software developments. We will discuss how RMA features of modern hardware allow for the evolution of Partitioned Global Address Space languages, including CoArray Fortran,
UPC(++) and Chapel. We will also discuss the features of transport layers such as OpenSHMEM and GASNET.

Salvatore Filippone – University of Rome Tor Vergata & CINI lab HPC-KTT
Salvatore Filippone is a professor of Computer Engineering at the University of Rome Tor Vergata; he has always worked in HPC, and he has contributed to software libraries design, parallel numerical linear algebra and parallel dvelopment tools.
Event Timeslots (1)
Tue 17 – Programming Models & Tools
S. Filippone (University of Tor Vergata e CINI lab HPC-KTT)